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Eye Examinations

A Comprehensive Eye Examination

There is no short cut to ensuring your eyes are seeing their best and examining the health of your eyes. We will do all the necessary tests to achieve this.                     

An eye examination generally takes 20-35 minutes.


You only have one pair of eyes so we make it our job to examine them thoroughly. Whether you are here under the NHS or privately you will receive the same high quality of service and personal attention.

Digital Retinal Screening


We are committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of eye care available. We have technology that enables us to take images of the back of the eye (retina). This enables a permanent and accurate record which could prove invaluable in monitoring your eye health. 

Other services offered include:


Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) 


IOP Repeat Measures Service


Cataract Referral


Diabetic Retinal Screening


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